Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Probationary period five years for newly recruited government employee

Title:Probationary period five years for newly recruited government employee

 File Type:download

File Language: Kannada

Which Department: Education

State: Karnataka

published date:02-07-2019

File format: jpg/PDF

File size: 1142kb

Number of pages:28

Availability for download: Yes

Availability of website link:  No

Scanned copy:  Yes

Editable Text:  No

Copy text:  No

Print Enable:  Yes

Quality:  High

File size reduced: No

Password protected: CO

Password Encrypted: No

Image file Available: Yes

Cost: free of cost

Go Green!!! Print this only this is necessary


  1. Its not well for newly oppointed govt servents... two years is enough to understand behaviour of servents... no need to long time for clear there proptionary period

  2. Its not a good decision about newly govt employees ....already they have NPS problem also ......2 years more to understand a person behavior ...why govt has taken this long period action ....

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