Karnataka state employees Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) amendment rules 2016 was published new chart of benefit was applied from first day of January 2017.
To download the Chart and Government order Click here
Amendment of Rule 8:‐ In the Karnataka State
Employees Group Insurance Scheme Rules, 1981 (hereinafter referred to as the
said rules) in rule 8, after sub‐rule 8.2(h), the following shall be inserted
namely:‐ “8.2(i) The benefits admissible from the savings Fund with effect from
first day of January, 2017 shall be as given in Table 141. This table shall be
applicable to an employee, who becomes a member of the Scheme, on or after
First day of January 2017. The benefits admissible from the Savings fund with
effect from first day of January 2017, in respect of an employee who was a
member of the Scheme before that date 39 and who retires on attaining the age
of superannuation or otherwise ceases to be a member after that date, shall be
as given in table 141 to 176. The benefits as shown in these tables shall be in
force until further orders.”
To download the Chart and Government order Click here
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